KTLC2021 Theme and Call for Papers

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

The Gap Year

The year 2020 is one that our children will read about in history books. It changed our mindset when it comes to what is possible and what is not, pushed us out of our comfort zones, and made us rethink our business models. And that transformation isn’t done yet! This unpredictable time that didn’t finish when the clock struck midnight on 31 December 2020 could be even called… a GAP YEAR. Let’s fill this gap with some goodness!

Drawing from our experience of KTLC2020, our first online edition, as well as the previous conferences, there have been three thematic areas that are the most popular among our attendees…
G – Growth – both in terms of growing your business and developing as a human, growing your community and your skills
A – Automation – how to make your life easier, and what the possible pitfalls are
P – Professionalism – communication, quality control, taming misbehaving CAT tools… you name it!

We would like to invite you to send proposals of topics corresponding to the three thematic areas above. Our conditions are:

  • the presentation hasn’t been delivered at other conferences,
  • the content is practical and the main goal of the presentation is to give your audience ready-to-use skills,
  • the presentation is not focused on advertising a product or service (if you are interested in this kind of presentations, please kindly refer to the section for Sponsors).

The deadline for proposals is 31 May 2021. We will inform all applicants about the results within 1 month.

Presentations submitted through the Call for Papers take part in a contest for KTLC2021 Best Presentation Award. The 5 winners receive cash prizes, and the runners-up – a ticket to KTLC2022.

This year, we introduced a new obligatory field to the form – a short video where you will invite attendees to your presentation. It doesn’ have to be anything fancy – you can shoot it with your phone. Just say a few words about why you chose this topic, what the presentation will be about and what the main takeaways will be. We might use the video for our social media!

Can’t see the form below? Click here.

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