KTLC2024 Schedule

All times given in Warsaw time zone! (UTC+2)

Click on any item with an arrow () to expand and read the description.

You will need a ticket to attend most of the schedule items. You can get your ticket here.

The items that are open to the public are: 1) Open access online panel on 26 September, 2) LocDrinks event on 27 September in Warsaw (venue TBA; LocDrinks are open events where everyone pays for themselves).

26 September (Thursday) – only online


Online workshop with Gosia Głowacka: “When clients drive you nuts” (included in conference ticket)

Abstract: Imagine it’s Friday afternoon. The week left you exhaused and yearning for some hard-earned time away from your computer. Just a few small things and helllloooo weekend! Then you notice an email from your client – the subject line already hints he’s not a happy camper. When you read further, first your’re surprised but by the end of the message you’re furious! What was in that email that triggered you so much? Doesn’t matter, you write a short but really charged reply and hit send. Have you been there? Do you know this place? What are the chances that, once your head cools down, you wish you could go back in time and rephrase your reply – now you know how! How about prevention? What if I tell you there are 4 simple steps that could help you not to step into this s…ituation in the first place? They are so universal you can rely on them in any difficult situation, no matter the context. Practice those steps with me and learn how to never hear criticism, nagging or complaints ever again.

Speaker: Gosia Głowacka, Great Words

Once a full time translator and interpreter, I then became a mum. This new role turned my entire life upside down. From this perspective I stumbled upon emphatic communication and my perception of the world has changed completely. It is precisely thanks to empathic communication that I have started to see more richness, possibilities and depth in life. I am opening up to the new as well as change, both of which I accept with ever so increasing acceptance, trust and gratitude. The transformation I am experiencing inspires me to share what enriches my life. I do this with the hope that it will also support others to experience life more fully.

Currently I am an empathic communication trainer and a coach. I invite you to connect authentically and honestly with yourself and others, to get to know yourself and to connect with what is alive in you.

18:00-last attendee

OPEN ACCESS PANEL: “Inclusivity in the workplace: how can I gain experience if nobody gives me an opportunity?”

Abstract: What is the future of our industry? It doesn’t all have to be related to AI, but there are also other challengues that our industry faces. One of the biggest ones is our workforce. It is difficult for recent graduates to join the industry. You can study translation at university but… what happens afterwards? Very few people want to hire you. In most cases, either you work for peanuts, get an intership (if you are lucky) or work for (almost) free to get the desirable three years experience that most companies ask you to have.This is discouraging and makes it necessary for younger generations to have some money aside during the first years in the workforce. Many of them can’t make it and they are forced to go to other industries. Let’s get together and discuss options and solutions to make our industry desirable for younger and fresh generations!

Panellists: Lucía Gutiérrez, Nazaret Lázaro, Isa Santana, Alba Carballal

27 September (Friday)

In Warsaw


Workshop for conference interpreters – read more or get your ticket. Venue: Golden Tulip Warsaw Centre, ul. Towarowa 2, Silver room


Game localization workshop – read more or get your ticket. Venue: Golden Tulip Warsaw Centre, ul. Towarowa 2, Silver room


Simple Polish workshop – read more. Free for Konferencja Tłumaczy attendees, streamed online. Venue: Golden Tulip Warsaw Centre, ul. Towarowa 2, Silver room

19:00 – last translator standing

OPEN EVENT: LocDrinks at Fabryka Norblina

Read more about LocLunch and LocDrinks here.



Conference opening


Panel with Rodrigo Cristina, Mercedes Perez, Naomi Voet and Adelina Cristóvão: “One-Woman Localization Team: How to Survive and Thrive”

We often talk about large and growing localization operations. But in many companies, there are localization teams composed of just one person. In this panel, three such one-person woman managers of localization teams will share their personal stories. They’ll discuss how and why they assumed these roles, how they work to expand their sphere of influence, and what career progression options they envision.



Rodrigo Cristina has been loving localization since 2005. With a background in business administration and a limitless passion for all things localization, he is a customer experience champion who believes that technology is, more than ever, shaping our industry, and that a value-driven approach is focused on the localization outcome, not just on the delivery.


Being born and raised as a bilingual and bicultural individual between Portugal and Germany, I intuitively understood long ago how cultural differences can impact the experience or understanding of something and how important it is to have a mediation step between those cultures so things don´t get lost. For me, localization is the discipline that cares about that kind of mediation. A digital experience is a way to communicate, so it also needs a mediator when it speaks to people in different cultures. It took me many many years to achieve a point of full clarity about what localization is, what it does, how it provides value to a business and how I can serve that value as a localization manager. I am currently a localization manager specialized in scale-up environments and am focused on developing a framework to centralize, systematize, templatize and reutilize differentiation for the multi-channel user journey and for product usability and performance. I have learned how to do this as a one-woman-team for companies such as trivago, Wolt and now Personio.


Naomi Voet is spearheading the localization efforts at hospitality tech platform Mews, where she has been crafting a strategy and implementing new tools for the past 2 years. One of her favourite and closest collaborations at Mews is with the Content Design team, with the shared goal of making localization part of the design, not an afterthought. Naomi has been working in the localization industry for 10 years, of which 7 years as a manager. Before Mews she led a large translation team at an e-commerce company. Beyond work, she’s an avid traveller and backpacker, and she loves hiking the hills of Yorkshire in the UK, where she is based.


I always had a passion for languages and I was quite good at them in high school, which led me to study a Master degree in Translation and Interpreting in Seville. After flirting with teaching languages, I moved to London and landed my first job as a Spanish translator in a marketing company in 2015. After that, I would try to use my manager as my mentor to one day be a Localisation manager/team lead. After a couple of years, I was promoted and started learning so much about processes and new skills that involved being a manager.
That shift was challenging, as it prevented me from disengaging emotionally at the beginning from what it used to be my team of colleagues and now were just my team. However, it also helped me a lot understanding their struggles better and how the process worked to be explained to other departments.

Katsiaryna Sokolovskaya, “You could do better! (and other useless feedback)”

I’ve been working in translation quality assurance for many years and I love errors. Errors can give us a lot of valuable information, they give us a chance for improvement, growth, and change. However, we can learn and improve only with the proper feedback. Feedback can be valuable or useless, encouraging or demotivating. To provide good feedback we should set clear expectations to avoid any miscommunication and misunderstandings. When the linguists receive this feedback, they should not feel that they are estimated as a person, and instead they are just is given information and tools that will allow them to avoid making the same mistakes in the future. I will share some examples from my experience and from the experience of my fellow translators. We’ll talk about error classifications and analysis, as well as about personal communication between translators and reviewers.

Speaker: Katsiaryna Sokolovskaya

Lead linguist working for international tech companies, including 5 companies from the Silicon Valley.
I provide Quality Assessment, develop Style Guides, Glossaries and all kind of training materials. I communicate with translation and review teams, as well as with the clients.
Translator and interpreter with 10+ years of experience.
Some of the projects:
– Audiovisual translation for MTV. I’ve also translated “Peppa Pig” and some movies into Belarusian.
– Consecutive interpretation for the State Forensic Examination Committee.
– Consecutive interpretation for Belarusian and Ukrainian psychologists who are working with PTSD.
– IT projects: everything from UI to legal and marketing content.
Belarusian, Russian, English, Polish and Chinese.

Michał Kasiński and Małgorzata Gembala (Precisely), “Embracing Change: The Role of Human Input in AI-Driven Localization”

In our presentation, we offer an enterprise customer perspective on the transformative impact of AI in the localization industry. We delve into the cutting-edge technologies and practices that IT companies are leveraging in 2024, while addressing critical considerations such as data security and intellectual property protection. Our discussion extends beyond the technological realm to explore the evolving roles and responsibilities of linguistic teams in this new landscape, emphasizing the enduring value of human expertise and talent alongside AI automation. We want to draw the audience’s attention to the fact that combining the human touch with AI-based tools and solutions can deliver the best final result for the customer. By selecting our topic, conference attendees will gain invaluable insights into navigating the complex intersection of AI and localization, empowering them to meet the challenges of today and embrace the opportunities of tomorrow.

Speakers: Michał Kasiński and Małgorzata Gembala

Michał serves as a Senior Globalization Engineer at Precisely, overseeing the technical aspect of key localization programs and refining localization processes and workflows. His current focus involves testing and implementing cutting-edge technological solutions for localization automation, machine translation, and AI integration. With over 13 years of experience in the translation and localization industry, Michał has held diverse roles including translator, quality assurance expert, and project/program manager. Outside of work, he enjoys cooking, gardening, and watching cartoons with his daughter.

Małgorzata, a Senior Globalization Release Manager at Precisely, adeptly coordinates multiple localization projects while engaging in cross-functional initiatives. With a degree in Geodesy and Cartography, she previously worked in the GIS industry. Driven by a keen interest in languages and a desire to “”go global,”” she shifted her career focus in 2019, excelling in Globalization Projects and Programs management. Recently, she’s intrigued by GenAI and the human element in the AI era. Outside work, she enjoys photography, teaching, and cycling.


Miguel Cerna (Verve), “Dive into the largest and most enduring contracts pool for language professionals”

From the time I was six years of age, I’ve been an avid observer of human behavior, seeking the universals that transcend demographics. I believe I’ve discovered at least two universals that are highly relevant to the language industry. At the #KTLC2024 in Warsaw, I will share these insights with you, so you can leverage them to enhance your professional journey as I have. I intend not to suggest how you should do your job, instead, I’ll offer something far more valuable: an undeniable truth that every language professional needs to hear to thrive. Additionally, I’ll outline a strategic path you can follow to secure your market share and elevate your career. Join me to uncover these universals and map a course towards success as a language professional.

Speaker: Miguel Cerna

Polyglot Behavioral Scientist, Cross-Cultural Conflict Analyst, and Health Professional

Dr. Miguel Cerna, author of “8 Egos at Work,” brings thirty-two years of multidisciplinary work experience across Greater China, Southeast Asia, Africa, Russia, Latin America, and Europe. His diverse professional background spans journalism, diplomacy, international trade and market development, customer success, higher education, and health exercise.

His extensive interactions with professionals from over eighty countries have enriched his understanding of cross-cultural professional behavior. Currently, he serves as Managing Partner at Verve and offers two continuing education programs: Global Best and Price Your Worth. He also specializes in consulting areas such as Organizational Integration and China Relations and Mediation. Additionally, Dr. Cerna is an invited lecturer for EMBA, MBA, and undergraduate programs at various higher education institutions.

As a health professional, Dr. Cerna specializes in exercise for health, working with sedentary individuals and vulnerable populations, including pregnant women, postpartum individuals, refugees, and other displaced persons. He is fluent in Spanish, English, and Mandarin Chinese, with advanced proficiency in Portuguese.

Dorota Pawlak (DP Translation Services), “A quick guide to AI-based image localization”

AI image generators work like magic if you know how to use them. But are these tools smart enough to understand cultural nuances? Can you use DALL-E 3, Midjourney, Adobe Firefly, or Ideogram to create images that resonate with local consumers? What about adding text in foreign languages? In this session, you’ll learn how to use AI image generators for image localization purposes. You’ll find out how to choose the right tool, how to write prompts, so that the tool listens, and how to make sure your image is adapted to the target audience. You’ll see many handy tools in action, learn about risks and copyrights, and discover a 10-step method for effective AI-based image localization.

Speaker: Dorota Pawlak

Dorota Pawlak is a localization consultant, a translator specializing in IT, and a prompt engineer. She holds an MA in Translation and an MSc in Multilingual Computing and Localization. Dorota teaches online courses on localization and technology and enjoys writing: about localization and freelancing (for her blog), about AI image generators (for Generative AI, a Medium publication), and AI tools for small businesses (for Small Biz AI, a Substack newsletter). She also published two books for freelancers. You can learn more about Dorota on her website: www.dorotapawlak.eu.

Magda Matylla, “How large is the influence or Large Language Models on translation and localization”

I would like to explore the use of Large Language Models in different corporate areas like content production, localization, customer support, communication and research. First, I will shortly describe the concept of Large Language Models. I will present an overview of the areas where LLMs can be used and highlight its advantages. Secondly, I would like to present real use cases of LLMs as applied in the company I work at as Translation Process Manager. I will mention how I use LLMs to facilitate translation and localization process but also provide examples how other departments implement LLMs to reach their goals. The next part of my presentation will concentrate on interesting facts and discoveries regarding LLMS, as well as problematic aspects and potential risks LLMs might pose. Because I also work as a freelance linguist and localisation specialist, who is directly impacted by this disruptive technology, I would like to conclude my speech by looking at how linguists can navigate this change. Is it time for translators to give up or perhaps new bright opportunities await us? These concluding thoughts will hopefully open a discussion between conference participants facing this cha(lle)nge and will motivate us to share experiences and ideas of how to navigate the new reality.

Speaker: Magda Matylla

From English language teacher and examiner, through translator of academic dissertations, conference interpreter, localization specialist to a translation project and process manager. Throughout my career I have navigated from mainly language focused jobs to more “back-end”-oriented localization processes. I currently work as a Translation Process Manager in one of the largest hosting companies in Germany. I am responsible for setting up and optimising processes, implementing tools and advocating for localization good practices. Due to my never-ending passion for language and localization industry, I devote my after work time working as a freelance localization specialist and helping companies localise their digital products into Polish. I hold a Master’s degree in English Philology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, followed by a postgraduate diploma in Translation and Conference Interpretation at School of Interpretation, Translation and Languages in Poznan. In 2023 I graduated a Master’s programme in Technical Communication and Localization at the University of Strasbourg.
I live in Germany with my family. In my free time I enjoy doing sports, listening to true crime podcasts, reading and spending time with my closest ones. I speak fluent English and German.


Carlos la Orden Tovar (InsideLoc Language Services), “Belly of the Beast: Building Empathy and Rapport with LSPs”

Language Service Providers. Translation Companies. Agencies. Call it whatever you want. A necessary evil? Freelancers must often work closely with LSPs to ensure a steady pipeline. However, their processes, tools, and communications (and sometimes rates and methods) may not be aligned with our expectations, leading to misunderstandings, communication issues, and flawed deliveries. Can we fix this ourselves? We are certainly not on top of the food chain, but experience and plenty of trial-and-error show there are highly effective techniques to align with PMs and be listened, engage in productive feedback exchange, and work towards a satisfactory relationship for both sides. I will share success stories with a happy ending born out of seemingly unsurmountable problems, building empathy and rapport as the key to providing the best possible service and increasing our profile within their freelance database.

Speaker: Carlos la Orden Tovar

With a double Degree in Translation & Interpreting and in Foreign Language Education, Carlos la Orden Tovar started to travel the world to forge a professional career that has since been linked to Information Technology, Languages and Education.

Over the last two decades, Carlos has lived and developed his skills in 10 different countries, proudly working as a Technology Trainer, Localization Project Manager, School Teacher and Translator. His natural inclination towards learning, sharing knowledge and gathering new experiences has driven his career through a few unbeaten paths, mixing academic and business life in an ever-changing global scenario.
Over the years, he has worked with hundreds of international clients such as Amazon, Microsoft, 3M, Cisco, Oracle, RWS, and Nokia, to name a few. He is a regular at translation industry events and loves sharing knowledge and empathy with fellow professionals in order to build a better, more human, yet tech-oriented industry led by happy people.

He currently lives in a sunny small village near Pisa and splits his time as a Lecturer at University of Bologna, Trainer at ISTRAD and Trágora Formación, Event Speaker, and freelance Language Consultant and Localizer. Reportedly, he is a loud musician too.

Simone Toccacieli (formerly of Ubisoft Montréal), “Localization testing for video games. Benefits and challenges”


Speaker: Simone Toccacieli

Simone Toccacieli is an experienced Project Manager with over 15 years in localization services and Quality Assurance for videogames. Fluent in Italian and English, with intermediate proficiency in French and Polish, Simone has a strong international presence, having worked across various global markets. He holds certifications in Agile, Test Management and PMP, that highlight his commitment to professional growth and mastery of project management tools.

Simone has over seven years of remote work experience and thrives in dynamic, multi-location environments. His recent role as a Production Lead at Ubisoft in Montréal saw him acting as the primary contact for QA concerns, facilitating communication, and solving production-related challenges. Prior to this, he worked at Altagram GMBH as a Project Manager, where he expanded the company’s Functional QA and Localization services and managed the entire company portfolio while providing mentorship to teams.

In previous roles, such as Senior Localization Lead, Simone played a pivotal role in establishing linguistic QA operations, recruiting teams, and introducing new testing services. His leadership in these roles contributed significantly to the expansion of the company’s client base and service offerings.

With a degree in Linguistic and Communication Science from the University of Urbino, Simone is also well-versed in communication strategies for modern technologies. His passion for journalism, environment conservation, and linguistics adds further depth to his diverse interests.

Simone is also an advocate for mental health and volunteers regularly at a listening center to help people with Depression and Anxiety issues.

Sohrab Gebraeil (Lingsom), “AI (Adaptive Intelligence)”

Stories of my grandparent’s rigidity regarding usage of any new household machines. Them fighting the change. Moving on to my youth and making the decision to leave my home country Iran with the help of a smuggler through the mountains to Turkey and the Cha(lle)nge it was. (I am not a criminal nor WANTED, just hadn’t gone through military service 😊) I will move on to starting an Interpretation company in Finland and its Cha(lle)ges. Then developing a software, its Cha(lle)ges. I will move on to future Cha(lle)nges, known and scary like AI or global warming. The focus will be on Change as the only constant of life and the Adaptive Intelligence of us humans. If allowed, I will continue with 60 minutes workshops, breaking to groups, discussing different aspects of Change in the industry for the first 40 minutes, rotating few members of each group every 10 minutes. The last 20 minutes will be a summary of each group’s subject and the summary of discussions. In conclusion, we are made to Adapt and the way is to participate in the change.

Speaker: Sohrab Gebraeil, Lingsom

I am a digitalisation and automation enthusiast specially when it comes to interpretation industry.
I have grown up in a family where translation, interpretation and linguistics has been part of my daily life as my father is a translator (English and Italian to Farsi). At 19, I started a journey around the world which learnt me to adapt to change and speak in 7 languages.
In 2005 I moved to Finland where we stablished an interpretation company called Polaris Kielipalvelut. Through out the years we have faced many challenges and had to adapt to new market, staffing and technology. In 2015 we decided to develop our own business management system for managing interpretation services called Lingsom. Since 2021 we have shared Lingsom with other LSPs and LSBs in Finland and Sweden.
During 2023 we stablished Lingsom also in Gothenburg to explore the Swedish market as well as the rest of the Nordics.
Today interpretation services are globally on the rise as a result of geopolitical instability and people’s pursuit of new economic opportunities.
I am so proud to be a small positive force in this ever faster changing world, helping people to communicate, connect and understand each other.


Barbara Fedorowicz (Smith & Nephew), “How embracing AI in your localization process can bring your Linguists time and effort savings?”

I would like to share a business case on how you can build a process in which your Linguists actually like and appreciate working with AI. Pairing the power of LLMs and your high-quality Translation Memories to serve your process with four customized translation engines producing better “raw machine translation”. Simultaneously, testing and learning how to engineer helpful prompts to make the Post-Editing efforts less mundane and repetitive, leaving more time and space for creative linguistic work. These are just some changes and challenges we have taken head-on in our in-house translation team in Smith & Nephew in 2024. It resulted in our Linguists actually like the AI instead of despising it, or being afraid of it. I want to share our journey to inspire the conference participants.

Speaker: Barbara Fedorowicz, Smith & Nephew

Barbara Fedorowicz is a dynamic leader and innovator in translation, transcreation, and localization, boasting a rich academic background and vast professional experience. She earned her MA in European Studies from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, further enriched by her study abroad experiences. She pursued postgraduate studies in Translation in Poznań, deepening her specialization in the field.
In her professional journey, Barbara has honed her focus on legal and business translations while expanding her repertoire to include marketing content, transcreation, medical devices, and e-learning content, leveraging her fluency in English, Polish, Spanish, and French. Her career trajectory is distinguished by her leadership roles in the localization industry, underscored by her business impact to global organizations such as Saatchi & Saatchi IS, Publicis Groupe, and Smith & Nephew.
Barbara has been pivotal in building and leading teams, driving service optimizations, and fostering cross-functional collaboration to deliver excellence in content across multiple languages and domains. Her innovative approach and commitment to quality, balanced by her understanding of efficiency and business needs, have significantly advanced the capabilities of the organizations she has been a part of.

14:00: Nicolas Jadot (Trendyol), “New tech, same quality: Localization at Trendyol”

This presentation explores how Trendyol’s localization team is evolving to meet the demands of a rapidly expanding e-commerce platform. As Turkey’s first “decacorn,” Trendyol serves customers in 10 languages across Europe and EMEA, with our localization team managing a diverse range of content needs. We are transitioning from traditional human translation to a blend of linguists, machine translation and AI-driven workflows, all while expanding our scope to include a variety of language-based projects. The importance of localization quality—how we define, measure, and act on it—has grown as we implement various frameworks to ensure consistency and mitigate risks. But wait: what do we mean by “quality”? Key insights include the need for speed, understanding tradeoffs, iterative improvements, and regular audits to meet stakeholder expectations. Our approach focuses on early quality refinement, cross-team collaboration, and addressing broader patterns to enhance the localized experience across all platforms. Join us to discover how we are setting new standards in localization at Trendyol.

Speaker: Nicolas Jadot

Nicolas has been active in the localization industry for 10+ years, with a strong background in e-commerce platforms. Currently, as the Localization Lead at Trendyol, he works to enhance localization quality and efficiency and expand the reach of the localization team through platform integrations, AI projects, and collaboration with internal teams and vendors. Previously, at Wayfair, Nicolas managed a large team of linguists, implemented process improvements, and developed automated workflows that significantly reduced turnaround times and quality issues. His ongoing focus is on refining processes and embracing new technologies to better serve diverse, international markets.

14:45: Maria Dembska-Czerniawska (Allegro) and Patrycja Brzostowska (Summa Linguae Technologies), “MT systems quality assurance”

What is the role of human translators in the development of machine translation systems? We will discuss various methods for checking translation quality, including both automatic techniques and the involvement of human annotators. Gain insights into how reference data sets are created and maintained to ensure high-quality translations. Join us to learn more about the intersection of human expertise and machine technology in language translation.


Maria Dembska-Czerniawska – Allegro

Although I aspired to be a literary translator from a young age, my journey into the field of translation was long and winding. After earning degrees in both Architecture and Urban Planning as well as Applied Linguistics, I spent seven years managing dataset curation for Automatic Speech Recognition solutions. Two years ago, I joined Allegro and took on the responsibility for Machine Translation Quality Assurance. I now lead a team of linguists specializing in CEE languages, working to ensure that translations on the Allegro platforms enable seamless shopping and selling.

Patrycja Brzostowska – SLT

My career in localization industry has been shaped by a blend of curiosity, drive for efficiency and love for languages. With degrees in International Business, Law and postgraduate studies in Project Management and Visual Modern Art, I have sought to combine my academic background with practical expertise. Starting five years ago, as a Project Manager, I quickly moved into leadership role, where I honed my skills in team management and process optimization. Today, I oversee the improvement of translation processes at SLT, ensuring that our workflows are both efficient and effective. My passion for creativity, languages and productivity continues to influence my approach, allowing me to bring a unique perspective to every project I manage.

Virginia Katsimpiri (VTranslations | VMentoring), “LinkedIn Profile Optimisation Workshop: Ready to address AI and new cha(llen)ges?”

Optimise your LinkedIn profile to attract more direct clients.

Speaker: Virginia Katsimpiri

Virginia Katsimpiri, PhDc, is a certified translator & translation business owner at vtranslations.gr and business strategist and mentor at vmentoring.com with over 15 years of experience. Holding an ΜA in translation and an executive MBA in client acquisition strategies, she has helped hundreds of freelance translators/interpreters and small business owners worldwide to attract international high-quality clients and rapidly build their profitable business through her mentoring programs.
Virginia is the creator of the Fully Booked Translator Formula & the Ultimate LinkedIn Prospecting System, the first comprehensive, results-oriented Business Mentoring Programs for Language Professionals. She is also the founder of the Ask Your Mentor Anything initiative; a virtual live show where she and other experts discuss translation business-related issues on a weekly basis. Virginia teaches translator mentoring methods and provides seminars, webinars, eBooks and free resources such as “60 Ways To Get Clients As a Translator”. She gives talks at the biggest international conferences of the industry and has appeared in numerous online publications, podcasts and marketing shows. Currently Virginia studies translators/interpreters’ business performance at a PhD level and runs two businesses: www.vtranslations.gr & www.vmentoring.com.


Sue Leschen (Avocate), “All change, all for the best?”

The Pandemic was an unprecedented challenge for language professionals everywhere. Suddenly everything went (and stayed) online. This interactive session will question whether or not we think that this has been to our advantage? Interpreters can now work anywhere at anytime but are now challenged by global and not just national competition resulting in downward pressure on rates. Translators are challenged by AI with the possibility that human translation will become obsolete – with only experts in their fields monitoring machine produced work. CPD is available online anywhere at any time and can be more cost effective than on site attendance but is no substitute for the sort of networking that goes on around the coffee machine at in person events. So what is the solution? Embrace change or diversify or leave the profession altogether? These are real questions that real people are asking.

ITI Convention 2013

Speaker: Sue Leschen, Avocate

Language love and lawyer- linguist entrepreneur who has married her passions of law and language together in her niche market company Avocate Legal and Business French Services Ltd. Sue is a fellow of both the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI) and also of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL). She is a member of CIOL’s Interpreting Division Steering Committee and also of ITTI’s Law, Insurance, Finance and Translation Committee as well as being a member of IAPTI and of the Association of Interpreters and Translators.
Sue has Chartered Linguist (Interpreter) status.

Sintija Kivlina (Nord Security), “Localization is not about translations”

Same old statement, but must be repeated again and again. I emphasize the importance of diverse viewpoints within the localization community. How different roles, backgrounds, specializations contribute to a more resilient and dynamic industry. Often forgotten abbreviation DTP (desktop publishing) – is that a design team responsibility or teamwork? DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) – only HR topic or an important metric which helps to grow ROI?

Speaker: Sintija Kivlina, Nord Security

I’m native Latvian living in Lithuania for ~12 years. I’ve been working in a localization sphere for ~ 6 years, during which I learned how important localization in for businesses that wants to succeed globally and about the impacts localized content brings to people and organizations. I’m a mom too and trying my best to give my child opportunity to learn my native language and customs on a daily basis.

Izabela Mrochen (MultiAccess Centre), “The EAA Impact: Reshaping Translation and Localization for Accessibility”

In the evolving landscape of the translation and localization market, the advent of the European Accessibility Act (EAA) has catalyzed a paradigm shift in the digital skills required by professionals. The Translation Quality Guidelines, now face a challenge in aligning with the comprehensive accessibility standards mandated by the EAA. The EAA is transforming the translation and localization industry, demanding new digital skills to meet its accessibility standards. Professionals must now urgently upgrade their abilities, particularly in creating accessible websites, mastering assistive technologies, and producing content compliant with the EAA’s strict criteria, before its enforcement in June 2025. In the realm of translation and localization, the implementation of the EAA presents several challenges. This requires not only technical expertise but also a shift in mindset towards prioritizing inclusivity. Additionally, there is the challenge of ensuring that all digital content, regardless of language or cultural context, meets the EAA’s accessibility standards. This often involves additional layers of complexity, such as adapting idiomatic expressions and local references to be understandable and accessible to all users, especially those who use assistive technologies. Moreover, the rapid pace of technological advancements means that translators and localizers must continuously update their skills to stay abreast of new tools and methods for creating accessible content.

Speaker: Izabela Mrochen, MultiAccess Centre 

Certified Web Accessibility Expert (PCWA) awarded by the University of South Australia. She is a member of the working group responsible for preparing authorized translation of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 (2021) and 2.2 (2023 – 2024) into Polish. She specializes in awareness raising about digital accessibility as a trainer, academic educator and auditor. She has a linguistic background in English. Between 2018 and 2020 she was a member of a working group of experts responsible for digital competencies in Poland. As an audio describer she has cooperated with the theatre and museum in Katowice since 2017. She promotes plain language as a member of Plain Language Association International PLAIN. As a regular public speaker she has promoted digital accessibility at universities in Toronto, Antwerpen, Hiroshima and Graz.


Sabina Jasinska (Team Internet), “Don’t. Do. This.”

Drawing from over 15 years of experience in senior leadership roles in fastest growing LSPs, London-based startups, as well as working as a marketing consultant for Nimdzi, we will unveil the common traps that businesses fall into during their growth journey. From witnessing visionary CEOs lost in fairy tales to the perilous task of rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic, we’ve seen it all. We will delve into the dangers of prioritizing rebranding over client satisfaction, the folly of cutting costs that don’t drive revenue, and the risks of losing focus on what truly matters in pursuit of quick revenue. Time is precious, and in today’s fast-paced landscape, small businesses can’t afford to make costly mistakes. 10 Things Not to Do When You’re at 10″” – a cautionary guide to avoiding talent drain, missed opportunities, client dissatisfaction, and loss of market share, followed by vital steps businesses must take to thrive in competitive environments. Learn from real-world bad examples to ensure your business navigates the path to growth effectively.

Speaker: Sabina Jasińska, Team Internet

With over 15 years of dynamic leadership experience, Sabina is a seasoned global B2B marketing leader with a strong background in sales. Throughout her career, she has spearheaded senior leadership roles in operations, marketing, and bid management for top Language Service Providers (LSPs) including RR Donnelley and SDL, driving she’s been responsible for sales and marketing for global startups and scale ups headquartered in London, remaining steadfastly focused on cultivating growth opportunities.

Emal Ghamsharick (Germling), “Terminology: Consistent is good enough”

A large amount of MT-PE effort goes into cleaning up inconsistent terminology in the target text. APIs between CAT and MT still process texts sentence by sentence, so there’s a high risk of the same source term being translated different ways. Even customers with no translation experience can easily spot these errors. Quality metrics tend to neglect this issue, although it has a huge impact on costs and quality perception. Even with glossary injection or training of MT engines, it’s hard to fix. Few-shot customization of LLMs for translation purposes seems to offer some improvement. I’m talking about my own test results and why it’s hard to transfer improvements from test cases into production.

Speaker: Emal Ghamsharick

Emal has almost 20 years in the language industry and several years working in-house at a big tech company. His experience includes CAT tools, localization engineering, MT integration and quality assurance.

Andrea Barp (International SOS), “Adapt or Resist” – panel with audience participation

Panel discussion with questions from the audience about critical topics surrounding AI in localisation. Topics [Context] AI has multiple applications. When it comes to localisation, what do customers and end users expect? [The positives] What are the clear benefits of AI in translation? [The challenge]. What does “human in the loop mean”, also from an ethical point of view? [Survival] How can we adapt and stay relevant in the age of AI?

Speaker: Andrea Barp, International SOS

Andrea is an experienced localisation, translation and transcreation leader who has worked in a variety of roles for various LSPS and client companies.

Andrea started his career as an Italian linguist translating a short manual for a tumble dryer from Danish into Italian, which, back in the day, was submitted via fax. He is now a Localisation Manager at International SOS, where he is actively involved in the implementation of a machine translation programme. Before that, He spent several years as Translation Director at Welocalize, where in 2013 he built from scratch the transcreation team at Adapt Worldwide, the digital marketing and transcreation division of Welocalize, leading the industry with an innovative approach to transcreation with many high-profile clients. Before, he was a language specialist and project manager at SAP and the Italian Team Lead at Alpha CRC.

His passion for languages and all facets of localization is matched only by his natural curiosity for innovative approaches in the language industry. Andrea maintains a grounded perspective and tackle business challenges with pragmatism, always seeking straightforward solutions even in the face of complex circumstances.

Andrea is very approachable and brings a lot of experience to the group of presenters.


Panel with Women in Localization: “Mentorship as a response to cha(lle)nges in the industry”

The Women in Localization Mentoring Program offers a structured platform for career advancement, connecting mentees with mentors in the localization industry. Since it was founded, the program has grown substantially, boasting impressive numbers of participants and success stories.
Mentorship transcends job changes, offering a pathway for continuous learning, professional growth, and the joy of shared success. But how can it benefit you? For companies, structured mentorship fosters employee growth, enhances retention, and cultivates a supportive workplace culture. Individual professionals, on the other hand, benefit from mentorship by gaining insights, expanding networks, and accessing opportunities for personal and professional development.
Who can become a mentor? Anyone with expertise and a willingness to share it. Finding fulfilment in supporting others’ journeys is guaranteed! And who can become a mentee? Anyone seeking objective feedback and career insights, willing to explore new opportunities in a friendly professional environment.
Who are we? Joanna Tarasiewicz (Mentorship Program Manager, Women in Localization), Yani Golocovsky (Mentor in the Program), and Zuzanna Wnuk (former Mentee in the Program, current Mentorship and Education Manager, Women in Localization Program Chapter). Let us share our perspectives on why mentorship can be an answer to cha(lle)nges in the l10n industry!

Panelists: Zuzanna Wnuk (Mentorship and Education Manager, Women in Localization), Joanna Tarasiewicz (Managing Director, ATL & Mentorship Program Manager, Women in Localization); Yani Golocovsky (LSP Operations Analyst, Nimdzi Insights; Facilitator in Training and Coaching, YG Localization Consulting and Training Services)

Dolores Rojo Guiñazú (Lift Value Translations & Consulting, LLC), “Unleashing your voice with a Podcast”

Our profession keeps on evolving and changing. We have to adapt, transform and keep abreast of a myriad of new trends, AI technologies, while at the same time remaining true to ourselves. As linguists, we need to raise our voices. Our business does not have to be a cookie-cutter service. In this session, you will learn an innovative and original Marketing Strategy to create your own career plan with a podcast. All the steps, from planning and recording to publishing and promoting. Some valuable tips from skilled storytellers in books, podcasts, and movies will be shared. Through specific techniques, you will incorporate elements that resonate with your own style. You will be able to add this social media to your toolkit and advance in your career.

Speaker: Dolores Rojo Guiñazú, Lift Value Translations & Consulting, LLC

Dolores Rojo Guiñazú is a Certified Sworn Translator, Judicial Interpreter, Copywriter, and International Copyeditor specializing in healthcare, marketing, legal & corporate communications. She works with teams for Global Agencies and direct clients. She holds an MBA in Marketing from Universidad del Salvador (USAL) & Albany University in New York. As a QA Specialist and ISO auditor, she has been lecturing on ISO Standards, Quality Management processes, and the podcast world.

28 September (Saturday)

In Warsaw

All day!

Konferencja Tłumaczy – the largest Polish conference for the translation and localization industry – read more or get your ticket. Venue: Golden Tulip Warsaw Centre, ul. Towarowa 2

All day!

“The power or poetry” – walk-in workshop with Ellen Singer and Wojciech Ostrowicz

This walk-in workshop is based on the workshop Joanna Pawulska Saunders and Ellen Singer gave at KT/TLC gave in 2022. Wojciech Ostrowicz attended and participated enthusiastically which is why I will be joining forces with him to host this version in Polish.

Joanna, Wojciech and I believe that it is important to play with words, not just focus on meaning, but also on shape, sound, …

You can join us for a single exercise, or for many; you can take the pages home and work on them when you feel the need to play with words. We leave this up to you.

Each exercise is based on a different type of poem, which we explain at the top of the page.

Wojciech and Ellen are ready to help you if anything is unclear. We look forward to see you!

  • Coffee and snacks
  • Exhibition stands with our sponsors and partners
  • Networking at the venue and with Gridaly


Networking dinner at Znajomi (Znajomych), ul. Wilcza 58a


All day!

  • Walk-in poetry workshop with Ellen Singer and Wojciech Ostrowicz
  • Virtual exhibition stands with our sponsors and partners
  • Virtual networking with Gridaly – arranging meetings, chatting, networking, and more


Nazanin Azari (Nations Translation Group), “Achieving a Seamless 360-Degree International User Experience: Insights from Software Localization and Internationalization Perspectives”

In today’s interconnected world, achieving a seamless international user experience (UX) is paramount for software products aiming to expand their global footprint. This abstract delves into the critical components of software localization and internationalization strategies necessary to cultivate a comprehensive 360-degree international UX. Beginning with an exploration of localization, it discusses the intricacies of adapting software to diverse linguistic and cultural contexts, emphasizing the importance of linguistic quality assurance, culturally sensitive design, and efficient workflow management. Moving forward, the abstract examines internationalization, highlighting the foundational practices required to build software that is inherently adaptable to various languages, regions, and user preferences. Key considerations such as Unicode support, locale-specific formatting, and flexible content architecture are explored in detail. Furthermore, the abstract addresses the integration of emerging technologies, such as machine learning and natural language processing, to automate and optimize the localization and internationalization processes. By synthesizing insights from software localization and internationalization perspectives, this abstract provides valuable guidance for businesses striving to deliver a seamless and immersive user experience across global markets.

Speaker: Nazanin Azari, Nations Translation Group

With over nine years of expertise in the language solutions industry, Nazanin Azari is a dynamic professional dedicated to driving global SaaS business development through strategic leadership and operational excellence. Her journey has been fueled by a passion for technology, user experience, languages, cultures, and design, culminating in a vision to create inclusive products that empower individuals and businesses worldwide. Specializing in international product management and localization, she has led initiatives to optimize workflows, enhance language quality, and expand market reach, fostering cross-cultural collaboration and delivering exceptional results on an international scale.

As an International Product Manager and Localization Leader, Nazanin Azari’s mission is to bridge cultural gaps and ensure seamless user experiences for diverse audiences across the globe. At companies like Shopify and BlackBird.io, she has spearheaded product localization efforts, developed strategic partnerships, and leveraged data-driven insights to drive international growth. Her expertise spans operational management, cross-cultural sensitivity, and technical understanding, allowing her to navigate complex localization ecosystems and deliver impactful solutions that resonate with global audiences.

Driven by a commitment to excellence and continuous learning, Nazanin Azari brings a multidisciplinary perspective to every project, combining her background in software product management, UX/UI design, and business analytics to drive innovation and achieve tangible results. With a proven track record of success in managing cross-functional teams, optimizing localization workflows, and exceeding client expectations, she is poised to make a meaningful impact at the intersection of technology, language, and culture.

Uri Bruck, “Is it Safe to Use the Machine?”

Assessing the risks involved with using machine translation for various types of translations. Safety instructions in technical translations are very different than fleeting headlines. Assessing the risk for different actors (freelancer/agency) and presenting it to the client.

Speaker: Uri Bruck

I am a translator and a software developer. I have over 25 years experience as a Hebrew English translator Having spent some of my formative years in England and the United States, as well as in my native country, Israel, I grew up natively bilingual. I studied at Beit Berl in English-Hebrew-English Translation Certificate course My specialty fields are : Technical Translations Science Math Music Art Over the years I lectured in translator conferences and in developer conferences.


Teresa Toronjo (Malt), “Localization Audit: Aligning Needs with Goals”

When I joined Malt more than one year ago my first task was to conduct a localization audit. During this talk I would like to share what a localization audit is, how it can be conducted and how the results can be aligned with you company objectives to turn localization from a passive contributor to a strategic partner.

Speaker: Teresa Toronjo, Malt

I am a Localization Manager with more than 11 years of experience working with languages and localization. I have been lucky to work in all roles, including: translator, localization specialist for a specific market, localization project manager and localization lead for Europe and SouthEast Asia. Over the years I have worked in setups with in-house linguists, LSPs and freelancers and with flows that went from very mature, with more than 35 languages, to new flows with only 5 languages. I have touched many types of content, but always with a focus on SaaS, first with Klook and then with Peakon, Workday. I currently work at Malt, where I am the Localization Manager. I love languages and cultures and have lived in the USA, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Denmark and the Netherlands, though I am originally from Seville, Spain.

Gentian Cane, “Pricing pressure: A threat or opportunity for independent translators?”

Abstract: Price still remains a vital element for all players in the translation industry nowadays. It’s obvious that pricing serves as a driving factor for both independent translators and language service companies. The market still exists and continuously develops, probably and mostly because of price and the money value it brings to all. The major players in the translation industry strive for growth, success or sustainability. Among all, independent professionals and LSC-s or direct clients have one thing in common: they work hard to achieve a win-win situation. But this can’t happen without price optimization by both parties. This is exactly the case in which the pricing pressure occurs. The independent translators on one side, and direct clients or language services companies on the other side, aiming both to optimize their money value, usually exert pressure in terms of pricing: LSC-s intend to offer a price as lower as possible while independent translators tend to ask for a price as higher as possible, but fairly and reasonably acceptable. From the independent professionals’ point of view, are there threats or opportunities associated to pricing pressure? Of course, yes. There can be potential threats mainly for experienced and well-paid translators, but on the other side, pricing pressure could create great opportunities in case they’re well identified and wisely used.

Speaker: Gentian Cane

Born and grown up in Tirana, Albania. Graduated from Tirana University in the major of Business Administration and pursued the postgraduate studies in USA in the major of Computer Information Sciences. Despite the education background in sciences, continuously developed a deep passion on the language services and the industry itself.

Language Services Professional with a vast experience in language service industry (+2,000,000 translated words) serving as independent translator and interpreter since 2010. Specialized and highly qualified in technical translation and interpreting, humanitarian interpreting, editing & proofreading, subtitling, voice-over, technical and content writing.

Areas of specialization: Corporate Communication, Government and non-Governmental Organizations, Legal, Engineering, IT, Medicine, and other science-related fields. Coach and speaker in several onsite or offsite industry events organized in local level. As well, served as conference speaker in internationally recognized events such as Meet Central Europe Conference, Bratislava, 12-14 October, 2022. Accredited by Professional Translators & Interpreters Associations worldwide, and a translator of 14 books into English-Albanian and Italian-Albanian language pair, in the genres of Science fiction, Action and Adventure, Health & Fitness, Mystery & Detective, which were published through various distribution channels including Amazon.


Stephen Rifkind (Gaguzia Translations), “In praise of project-based pricing”

The last bastion of fools is tradition, to paragraph Steven Erikson. Traditionally, quotes for translation and related services have been framed per word. This method, still active, ignores that the fact that all words are not created equally. Word counts from language to language can greatly differ; formatting can add significant time; the requirement for precision may involve extra time for checking terms; and some texts are simply harder and slower than others, to name just a few factors. Consequently, I have been quoting by project for over 10 years now and highly recommend the practice. I will discuss the reasons in favor of project-based quotes, how to prepare the quote, and customer reaction.

Speaker: Stephen Rifkind, Gaguzia Translations

Stephen Rifkind has been a translator for some 20 years, working from Hebrew, French and Russian into English. both American and British. He specializes in legal and financial material as well as official documents. He is half American, half French and has lived in Israel for some 30 years. His education is eclectic: BA in Russian Studies from UC Santa Cruz, went to law school at the University of Oregon, teaching credentials in French from Portland State College and an MBA from Leicester University in the UK. He also has been teaching English at the Braude School for Engineering in Israel for 30 years.

Valentyna Ushchyna (Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University), “Cha(lle)nges of New Age: from Translation to Transcreation”

As the humanity continues its steady movement towards new ways of communication, translation continues to play an important role of a cultural, informational, and social mediator. This presentation will offer a look at translation as transcreation – creative adaptation of a source language text / message that meets a variety of needs of the target audience – cultural, professional, social, and linguistic. The process of transcreation involves all the necessary linguistic transformations, as well as recreation and modification of worldviews, ideologies, values, and symbols. Thus, in the process of transcreation the translator should be aware of differences in perception, conceptualization, and interpreting culture. Transcreation focuses not so much on the textual information and structure as on the message contained in the text, on reaching the same pragmatic goals and producing the same rhetorical effect while addressing a new (target) audience. Consequently, in transcreation, the focus of a translator is on the meaning and the intended reaction of the audience, and the key element of a successful transcreation is moving away from the source text, at the same time concentrating on the context and worldviews, comprising differences in culture, values, ideologies, social semiotics etc.

Speaker: Valentyna Ushchyna

VALENTYNA USHCHYNA is a Professor and Chair of the English Philology at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University of Lutsk, Ukraine.
Her area of specialization is linguistics and English as a Foreign language and her academic interests concern relations between language, risk, gender, discourse and society. After obtaining her BA and PhD in Linguistics, she spent a year as a visiting scholar at The University of Mississippi in Oxford (USA). She also worked as an intern of US-Ukraine Foundation NGO team and as a teacher of the Ukrainian language at Rosslyn Language School in Washington DC in summer 2000.
Since 2000, she has been teaching a range of courses including stylistics of the English language, discourse studies, political linguistics, and sociolinguistics. Her involvement in critical discourse analysis, cognitive linguistics and discourse psychology have led her to focus her research on the notions of risk and stance. She is the author of various articles (e.g. Manipulative use of RISK as a stance in political communication. Discourse and Society, Sage, 2018 (Volume 29, Issue 2) – 198-221), monograph chapters and a book “Stancetaking in the English Risk Discourse: A Sociocognitive Perspective” (Vezha-Druk, 2015. In Ukrainian).
In 2019-2020, Valentyna Ushchyna was a Fulbright visiting scholar at Linguistics Department of University of Pittsburgh (research project “Intersubjective Dynamics of Stancetaking on Risk: From Individual Cognition to Social Order”).


Hanna Yarash (Elbax), “Feeling the Future: AI’s Role in Localizing Emotions”

If there is one thing that makes human beings different from any other species is our ability to feel. It is through our emotions that we build our stories of growth, create a positive impact, and inspire others to overcome challenges. In the world of sharing stories and messages, it’s not the words that truly matter, but the feelings behind them. Now, what happens when non-human tools, such as AI, step into the process? In my presentation “”Feeling the Future: AI’s Role in Localizing Emotions,”” we’ll discuss real-life examples where AI has both succeeded and faced challenges in capturing true human emotions. We’ll go through a very special journey to discover how emotion perception differs among countries, whether AI can translate text while retaining the laughter, anger, and sincerity that unite us all as humans, and finally, can AI actually feel emotions? The time has come to bridge the gap between text and emotion, between humanity and technology. The time has come to put our feelings first.

Speaker: Hanna YarashHanna Yarash is a creative copywriter and localization expert who loves text and how people react to it. She studied Interpreting and Translation at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and is passionate about studying how emotions (and even emojis) differ across cultures. In her free time, she dives into the study of emotions and their impact on digital storytelling.

Juan Pablo Sans (Email Nerds Official), “Escape the Ai-mageddon and get premium clients”

AI will take your job! That’s for sure. And if it doesn’t, it will reduce many to being post editors. It’s the Ai-mageddon… Or is it not? What about if there’s a way to find high paying clients and enter the premium market even in times when AI seems to be taking over? In this presentation, you’ll discover how the shifts I made to my copywriting business have helped me land high paying clients and get into the premium market online… Even if my native language is Spanish and even if I’m not the most “exquisite” copywriter in the world.

Speaker: Juan Pablo Sans

Formerly a transcreator, Juan Pablo is a copywriter, CRO specialist, and list manager who works with businesses who want to increase their email revenue.

He’s studied marketing from the best in the world, and learned the best proven frameworks to land clients online and boost revenue for companies thar see the importance of email marketing.

When everyone zigged, he was zagging, talking about crazy things such as value based pricing and not charging by the word.


Eugenia Urrere (Indigenius), “Challenges in localizing indigenous and underrepresented languages”

There are more than 7,000 languages around the world, but only 20 of them represent 50% of the world’s speakers. In Latin America, the most popular languages are Spanish and Portuguese, but there are many other languages of equal richness and value. We already know the critical role of localization in expanding global access to content and championing linguistic diversity. While the rapid growth of machine translation expands the availability of content, a significant disparity in linguistic representation remains, for example for the 560 indigenous languages of Latin America. Despite progress, challenges persist, spanning linguistic, data, resource, technical and infrastructure issues. Government recognition and support are identified as crucial factors, and case studies, such as Bolivia’s linguistic corpus initiative, illustrate their impact.

Speaker: Eugenia Urrere

Eugenia Urrere is a social communicator, a self-taught and tech-loving entrepreneur. Since 2018 she has been dedicated to the revitalization and digitization of indigenous languages in Latin America through her work in an NGO. In 2020, Eugenia founded Indigenius, a company committed to fostering fair employment opportunities for communities, digitizing indigenous languages, and raising awareness about underrepresented linguistic diversity.

Beata Janaszkiewicz-Cavalcanti and Josef Kubovsky (Nimdzi Insights), “Future-Proofing the Translation Industry: Embracing Emerging Trends”

How can following trends and the latest decisions help us prepare for industry
changes? In this session, Nimdzi will share its expertise and draw a picture of the latest enterprise-level decisions and their impact on translation professionals. We will also discuss the expectations for the future, following the newest report prepared by Nimdzi.

Speaker: Nimdzi Insights


Workshop with Kris Girrell, Yuka Nakasone, Michał Antaczak, “Growing toward the future: Personal Development for Your Career and Professional Development”

ca. 17:30

Conference closing and raffle, including prizes from Juremy, Ooona, and our other sponsors!

1 October – online only


Online game localization workshop – read more or get your ticket

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