KTLC2024 Media Kit

In the media kit below, you will find the essential information about the conference, along with this edition’s logo and sample graphics if you’re pressed for time. Feel free to use them!

KTLC2024 in a nutshell…

Event name: Translation and Localization Conference + Konferencja Tłumaczy

Focus: business, networking, technologies, the human aspect

Venue: online (Gridaly platform) + the Polish Konferencja Tłumaczy at Golden Tulip Warsaw Center

Est. number of attendees: 200

Dates: 27-28 September 2024, with networking dinner on 28 September for Konferencja Tłumaczy attendees

Attendee profile: freelancers, small and medium LSPs, localization managers, training institutions, industry associations, technology manufacturers, universities



During the last decade, KTLC (Konferencja Tłumaczy + Translation and Localization Conference) has grown into a premier international conference for the translation and localization industry. It successfully shifted to a hybrid format in 2022, with the 2024 edition following the same approach. The event typically draws 200 onsite and 200 online attendees, spanning freelancers, industry professionals, researchers, and media.

Scheduled for September 27-28 in Warsaw, the conference features plenary sessions, workshops, and networking. The following day offers Polish sessions and interactive activities.

The innovative Gridaly platform will enable our attendees to enjoy the conference just as if they were there in person. The web and mobile app has innovative networking features and makes it possible to watch livestreamed presentations in real time or at a later date, ask questions and chat with other attendees.

Speakers are invited to present talks relevant to the theme “Cha(lle)nge.” The attendees are therefore encouraged to explore and discuss the various transformations happening in the industry, whether they be technological, cultural, professional, or ethical, and to consider how they can be navigated or turned into opportunities for growth and advancement. Join us at this exciting event and continue expanding your horizons!


Are you excited for the return of hybrid KTLC (Konferencja Tłumaczy + Translation and Localization Conference)? Join us for insightful talks, workshops, and networking opportunities on September 27-28. Explore the dynamic nature of our industry, where professionals continually face new obstacles as well as innovations, encapsulated by the main theme: “Cha(lle)nge.” The English-language talks will take place online on the Gridaly platform for the convenience of our international attendees, while the Polish conference will be held in hybrid mode in Warsaw and online.


KTLC, a leading translation and localization conference established in 2012, returns in 2024 with a hybrid format. It will feature plenaries and workshops to the theme of “Cha(lle)nge” as well as networking events. Join us September 27-28 online, or opt for the Polish Konferencja Tłumaczy on 28 September in Warsaw!

Social media

Official event hashtag: #KTLC2024

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