Get recordings
Here you can purchase recordings of previous conference talks on Vimeo VOD. Purchase all of them at once or one-by-one!
Click the images below to access our Vimeo video repositories.
Video recording FAQ
(read before you buy!)
I participated in KTLC2020/KTLC2021 and I would like to redeem the free/discount code. How can I do it?
Check your e-mail inbox! If the code is not there, e-mail us about it.
Can I buy only Polish language or only English language recordings?
Currently, you can buy either all videos from one or more editions of the conference, or buy them one-by-one. However, the price per video is better when you buy them all!
Will you provide subtitles to the Polish/English videos?
Yes, we’re working on it.
Can I get an invoice?
Yes. Please e-mail us at info@translation-conference.com with your invoice data and we’ll send you one as soon as possible.
Any other questions? E-mail us.
Interested in recordings from the Free Event 23 and 30 November 2021 – Let’s talk mental health and business with KTLC? Click here!
Views: 426