KTLC2024 Speakers’ FAQ
Welcome among the KTLC2024 Speakers! We have compiled this guidelines to have all the necessary information in one place, but if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to e-mail us at info@translation-conference.com.
KTLC2024 in a nutshell
📍 Venue: English-language presentations: all online at Gridaly. Polish-language presentations at Golden Tulip Warsaw Center in Warsaw, Poland and at Gridaly.
💻 Platform: Gridaly, which has features both for the onsite and online attendees
📆 Dates: main part of the conference is 27-28 September, but see schedule below
🎤 List of speakers: click here
📅 Tickets: https://ktlc-2024.gridaly.com/registration (use the code SPEAKERSSPECIAL to get your free conference ticket, and a 33% discount on all add-ons – details below)
Dear KTLC2024 Speaker!
This is an e-mail I (Anna Lewoc, the head of KTLC) sent to all our Speakers in relation to the recent changes in the conference formula. If you would like to get in touch, please use our e-mail address info@translation-conference.com or ping me on my LinkedIn.
Due to lower than expected interest in the onsite conference, we have decided to move the English part of this year’s conference fully online. This concerns all the English-language conference items. Note: The Polish part of the event will still take place on 28 September in hybrid mode as planned (in Warsaw+online), together with the networking evening on 28 September – no changes here.
I know those of you who were coming to Warsaw have been looking forward to seeing your colleagues in person. Likewise, I was looking forward to meeting you, as KTLC has always been a place not only to network business-wise, but also to make real friends from all around the world. However, there are some things beyond my/our control, and I hope this will be a valuable lesson for me and my team. I’m sure we can still make the event great, though – after all, you are a plethora of great speakers!
If you were supposed to speak online anyway, there’s no need for you to do anything else. I’ll set up the new schedule and let you know when your slot is. Before the conference, we will do technical rehearsals, but we’ll take care of that in September. This e-mail is mostly directed at speakers who were coming to Warsaw, but you’re welcome to stay until the end!
I have already talked to some of you briefly about what happens now, but just so that we’re all on the same page, I wanted to send the details to all of you and put it in the form of a Q&A that you will find below, but before that, a few short but very important questions:
- Are you OK with presenting online? YES/NO
2. In this situation, would you like to present live, or pre-record your presentation? LIVE/PRE-RECORD (of course discussion panels need to be live)
3. What is your time zone? (so that I don’t put your speech at an ungodly hour) And are there any days on which you prefer to speak, and any on which you cannot speak? (from the range 26-29 September)
4. If you’re based in/coming to Warsaw anyway:
a. would you like to join the Polish conference in Warsaw on 28 September free of charge? YES/NO
b. would you like to join the networking evening on 28 September for a small fee? YES/NO
I will appreciate you answering them at your earliest convenience; your answers don’t need to be lengthy!
And now the Q&A:
Q: I got lost. What exactly is changing?
A: 1. What goes online: the discussion panel on 26 September, the English-language presentations on 27 September, and the roundtables and discussions on 28 September
2. What is cancelled: the fringe events on the 26th (welcome drink), 27th (Warsaw trip + networking evening) and 29th (longer Warsaw trip + Vistula cruise)
3. What stays the same: the Polish-language talks on 28 September and the networking evening on 28 September.
Q: I’m interested in the Polish conference. Can I come to Warsaw for that part?
A: Of course! As a KTLC speaker, your ticket to the Polish conference onsite is on the house (just let me know so that I can put you on the list). If you’d like to join the Polish speeches online, you can also do so for free (also, let me know so that I can put you on the list).
If you would like to join us for the Polish networking evening on 28 September as well, please let me know.
Q: How will we go about speaking online? What platform will be used?
A: We’re using a locally-sourced platform called Gridaly which has its own built-in system for livestreaming talks. We will be using Vimeo for recording the presentations. The platform has advanced options for audience engagement, including chat, polling, reactions, moderated Q&As, gamification, integrations with Kahoot, Mentimeter and Slido, and more. We will do technical rehearsals in September to make sure everything works just fine.
Q: I don’t like speaking online. Can I withdraw my application as a speaker?
A: That would be a pity, but of course you can. Just let me know about your decision ASAP so that I can take it into consideration when making the new schedule!
Q: I already bought my plane tickets, and I can’t return them. What now?
A: Please e-mail me and we’ll see what we can do. If you’d like to come to Warsaw anyway, you’re always welcome, and we can arrange for you to have your speech online from the convenient location of our office, but keep in mind that there will be hardly any physical audience. Note: in such a case, we won’t be able to reimburse your accommodation or other extra expenses we agreed on for the onsite conference.
Another option (if you have unreturnable tickets and are not coming to Warsaw in this situation) is us reimbursing your plane tickets, but that depends on the amount. Again, please e-mail me and we’ll work something out.
Q: I bought tickets for fringe events that will be cancelled (welcome drink, Warsaw trip, networking evening on 27 Sep, longer Warsaw trip, Vistula cruise). Will you reimburse them for me?
A: Of course – we will take care of that in the coming days. In case of doubts, I will e-mail you personally.
Q: How will this change influence the conference schedule?
A: I will draw up the hourly online schedule as soon as I have confirmation from all speakers who are OK with speaking online.
The general schedule will now look like this:
online | onsite | |
26 September | discussion panel “Inclusivity in the workplace” | – |
27 September | all day: online talks in 2-3 tracks in English | · afternoon: Polish-language workshops · evening: LocDrinks (unofficial pre-conference meeting, without tickets, everyone pays for themselves) – TBA. |
28 September | all day: English-language roundtables and discussions in 1 track | · all day: Polish conference · evening: networking evening (venue TBA) |
I think that’s all for now. As I mentioned, I’m very disappointed with the change, but that was the most we could do, given the situation.
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